The Ultimate Guide to Backpacking Through Cambodia

by YourTravelScout

It may be a fantastic experience to backpack in Cambodia, which is full of adventure, history, and stunning beauty. Here is the best advice for travelling by backpack in Cambodia:

Plan your itinerary: Although though Cambodia is a very tiny country, there is still a lot to see and do there, so make a plan. The Angkor Wat temples are located in Siem Reap, as are the capital of Phnom Penh and the beaches of Sihanoukville. When making your itinerary, take into account how much time you have and your hobbies.

Prepare for the weather: Consider the weather before you pack: Cambodia has a tropical temperature, so be sure to include appropriate clothing. Sunscreen, a hat, and bug repellant are necessities, as well as lightweight, breathable clothing. Bring a lightweight rain jacket or poncho in case of sudden downpours.

Obtain your visa: The majority of visitors to Cambodia require a visa, which can be obtained at land border crossings or at the airport upon arrival. You’ll need to give a passport-sized photo and your passport, and the fee is normally approximately $30.

Budget accordingly: Although travelling in Cambodia is often affordable, it’s still vital to plan your finances carefully. Street food is fairly inexpensive, and dorm rooms at hostels can be purchased for per night. You’ll need to allocate a bit more money to your budget, though, if you intend to visit more popular locations or go on tours.

Get around: In Cambodia, tuk-tuks are a widespread and reasonably priced means of transportation. Before you board, haggle over the cost and confirm your destination. Although they can be crowded and uncomfortable, buses and minibuses are also an option.

Explore Siem Reap: The Angkor Wat temples are the main draw to this city, but there is a tonne more to see and do. Visit the night market, take a cooking class to learn how to prepare traditional Cambodian dishes, and take a tuk-tuk to the temples early in the morning to avoid the crowd.

Explore Phnom Penh: This vibrant city has a fascinating past. To understand more about Cambodia’s past, visit the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, the National Museum, and the Royal Palace. Take a Mekong River sunset boat tour and go shopping at the Central Market.

Relax on the beach: Sihanoukville is a well-known seaside resort in Cambodia, offering a variety of white sand beaches and clear water. Visit some of the nearby islands on a boat excursion, or simply unwind on the beach and enjoy the sunshine.

Try the food: With influences from China, Thailand, and Vietnam, Cambodian cuisine is delectable and distinctive. Amok, a fish curry cooked in banana leaves, lok lak, a beef stir-fry, and num pang are a few dishes that you simply must taste (a Cambodian sandwich). Eat cuisine from the street if you want to, but make sure it’s cooked all the way through.

Respect the culture: Respect for local traditions and customs is essential because Cambodia is a nation with a strong Buddhist heritage. When touring temples, dress modestly, take off your shoes, and avoid touching or climbing on any of the old buildings.

Traveling by backpack through Cambodia can be a fantastic experience rich in culture, history, and excitement. You can maximise your travel opportunities and build lifelong memories by using this guide.

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