by YourTravelScout

When you don’t know where to begin, backpacking through China can be overwhelming as well as thrilling and rewarding. You can use this guide to organize your journey.

Get Your Visa and Book Your Flights 

Before you can begin making travel arrangements, you must obtain a passport. For more information on the criteria, contact your local embassy or consulate. The majority of nationalities require visas to enter China. Book your flights to China as soon as you have your passport.

Decide Where You Want to Go 

China is a sizable nation with numerous cities and tourist sites. Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an, and Chengdu are a few of the well-liked locations. Consider your hobbies and tailor your itinerary to them.

Research Transportation Options 

Investigate your choices for getting there once you have a destination in mind. China has a vast railway, bus, and domestic flight network. The majority of the time, trains are dependable and reasonably priced, but during busy periods they can become congested. Although slower than trains, buses are still a viable choice. If you’re going a great distance, domestic flights are more expensive but can save you a lot of time.

Plan Your Accommodation 

From hostels to five-star hotels, China offers a wide variety of lodging choices. Budget-conscious travelers should consider staying in hostels, where private rooms are frequently available. To guarantee availability, reserve your lodging in advance if you’re going during the busiest time of year.

Learn Some Basic Mandarin 

Although you can get by in major cities in China with English, it’s always useful to know a few fundamental Mandarin phrases. At the very least, learn how to say “hi,” “thank you,” and “where is the toilet?”

Pack Smart 

Pack for the environment you will encounter in China. If you’re travelling in the winter, make sure to take warm clothing, sturdy walking shoes, and a backpack. Don’t neglect to bring a VPN to access the internet and a power adapter as well.

Try the Local Cuisine 

Chinese food is well-known throughout the globe, so make sure to sample as much regional food as you can. There is something for everyone, from spicy hotpot in Chengdu to Peking pork in Beijing.

Explore the Local Culture and History 

Spend some time learning about China’s diverse cultural and historical past. Visit the Terracotta Soldiers, the Forbidden City, and the Great Wall of China in Xi’an. Visit the pandas in Chengdu or go see a classic Chinese opera.

Be Prepared for Cultural Differences 

Be ready for some cultural differences because China’s society differs greatly from that of the West. For instance, it’s typical to barter rates with street vendors and at markets, and tipping is not required at restaurants.

Stay Safe 

Although China is a usually safe country, it’s always wise to exercise caution. Don’t travel alone at night, secure your valuables, and be mindful of your surroundings.

A great trip can be had by backpacking through China if you prepare ahead and take the necessary precautions.

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